Wild Wonders: 8 Unbelievable Animal Abilities

By Hannah Bennett | Published

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Animals are known to have unbelievable survival abilities. Here, we will find out about remarkable adaptations and skills of various animals. We welcome you to join us in exploring this captivating world of creatures and natural wonders.
Honeybees can communicate through a unique way called “waggle dance”. Tthey pass information to their fellows which are still in the hive about the location and amount of food. This enables them to collect nectar and pollen effectively.
Pistol shrimp
Pistol shrimps have the ability to make bubbles cavitation through their claws whose sound levels can go up to 218 decibels. This creates a shockwave capable of causing paralysis or death on immediate surrounding sea creatures.
Electric eels
Electric eels use 600 volts electric shocks when hunting preys or protecting themselves from enemies.
The peregrine falcon
Peregrine falcon is the fastest bird as it speeds over 240 mph when hunting on dive.
Hummingbirds hover by flapping their wings at high speeds as they suck nectar from flowers. They can flap backward and upside down.
Salmon traverse thousands of miles back to where they were born by sensing Earth’s magnetic field combined with their sense of smell.
Mantis Shrimp
Mantis shrimp has vision that is the most intricate in the entire animal kingdom. They can see polarized light as well as ten times more colors than we see.