Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Drag Queen 101 Class For Students?

In response to the pushback from a recent child-friendly drag show, a California lawmaker has proposed making Drag 101 a class in schools.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

The Reason For A School’s Removal Of Pride Flags Is Drawing Criticism

california lawmaker

Due to the backlash from parents and some state leaders over a Texas drag show — that brought children onstage before a sign that read, “It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself!” — one California lawmaker is considering introducing legislation that requires students K-12 to attend a mandatory Drag Queen 101 class. Senator Scott Wiener posted his idea to Twitter in response to Texas House representative Bryan Slaton. Apparently Slaton’s bill to ban drag shows in the presence of a minor is unacceptable to Weiner, regardless of how parents and the majority of voters feel. 

The California lawmaker is a gay man who apparently believes it is perfectly normal to expose children to adult content. His track record definitely displays a confirmation of this association. In 2020 he worked to decriminalize sex with minors as young as 14 so long as their abuser is within 10 years of their age. This came after the infamous Jeffrey Epstein case where it was later revealed, during the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, that young teenage girls were groomed to perform sex acts on adults. Wiener’s argument was that some teenagers have gone to jail for engaging in sex while in a committed relationship, but opponents of his legislation questioned why he did not work to lower the age of consent in his state — which is 18, whereas some states in the US have lowered it to 17 or 16 — instead of decriminalizing sex with 14-year-olds for individuals age 24 and under.  

In addition, Wiener co-authored the 2017 bill which removed felony charges from individuals who knowingly transmit HIV to sexual partners without informing them of their infection. Under the guise of “gay rights,” Wiener advocated for this policy because there are plenty of new advanced treatments for HIV infections. Many were shocked that a California lawmaker would support allowing a serious sexually transmitted disease to continue to be spread, especially now, after the COVID-19 pandemic, but during the pandemic he displayed his opposition to parental rights and age-of-consent laws as he pushed to allow children to legally receive the experimental COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent.  

Weiner’s track record continues to display his extreme political views. While San Francisco works to curb rising crime rates, the California lawmaker supports keeping bars open until 4a.m. Furthermore, he is working to create drug injection sites where addicts can legally inject dangerous recreational drugs into their bodies. This is his solution to preventing drug overdose deaths. Instead of working to solve the underlying issues which drive many people to abuse drugs and alcohol, Wiener supports offering more access under more government surveillance. 

Based on all of these policies it is clear what Wiener supports. Instead of promoting families and community support, this California lawmaker has proven that his agenda is based on pushing his state down a more progressive path. This may be why so many families have already pulled their children from California public schools, and the state witnessed numerous residents fleeing during the past 2 years — costing it a seat in congress. 

Whatever the reason, California lawmaker Scott Wiener believes it is necessary for kindergartners and other young students to learn about drag queens. He wishes to make drag queen story time mandatory, and has little regard for parents who oppose these measures. Whether his constituents continue to support him and his ideas are uncertain, but one thing is for sure, California public schools are hurting for students and their future prospects do not look promising.