University Segregating Back To School Orientations By Race

The University of California is circulating a flyer promoting there racially segregated orientation for back to school events.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

segregated orientation

Critical race theory (CRT) and culturally responsive training have taken over college campuses. Instead of focusing on student ability and teaching valuable skills, many universities are focused on further one-sided political ideologies. While many claim they are fighting again discrimination in the name of “anti-racism,” these same institutes of learning are encouraging re-segregation and dividing students up by their identities. The latest to fall prey to this practice is the University of California—San Diego (UCSD), which is proudly promoting its segregated college orientations. 

UCSD is circulating a flier announcing “signature events” that are supposed to welcome incoming freshmen for the 2022-2023 school year. While many young adults look forward to coming together with other students to learn about their new campus home and get to know each other, the list of events includes segregated orientation events. Starting September 9th, the college is hosting a Black, Latinx, and Native American Family Orientation. There is no mention of whether or not white students, Asian students, or Aboriginal students will be allowed to attend this race-based event or not. 

In addition, September 12th through the 17th has been deemed “Black Surf Week.” While surfing is a sport enjoyed by many people of various races, sexual orientations, and eye colors, Black Surf Week is affiliated with the Black Like Water organization that encourages black individuals to combat “anti-blackness” by surfing. This segregated orientation event is also supposed to somehow destroy “structural racism,” by unifying black people to destroy the racial stereotype that black people don’t like water sports. 

These segregated orientation events are just a couple of many racially charged measures being adopted by schools across the nation. It is no secret that college orientations have become more politically charged, and identity politics have infected higher education practices throughout the years, but even K-12 schools are now adopting these practices which are designed to “combat racism” by teaching children that everyone is racist. Race-based admissions, grading, teacher events, and even race-based disciplinary actions are entering public school districts to teach children that what they look like matters most in life. 

While many parents oppose these lessons and have actively worked to prevent controversial subjects like CRT from entering classrooms, the Biden Administration-controlled Department of Education is being advised to award grants to schools that further these divisive practices. Even school lunch programs have been threatened with less funding if districts do not support gender theory. None of these racially obsessed teaching methods have increased student success rates, nor have segregated orientations. Instead, enrollment drops have continued to plague both primary and secondary schools, as well as universities. The nationwide teacher shortage is threatening many schools’ ability to retain accreditation, and taxpayer support has dwindled. 

Parent and student organizations have been formed to fight against extremist progressive policies taking over colleges and K-12 schools, yet despite this, universities like UCSD continue to support division. Segregated orientations focus on dividing students up. Division encourages gaps in understanding and community sovereignty. It is often a tactic utilized by powerful entities to control masses of people, and based on the rise in racial tensions, schools that support these measures have instigated further damage to minorities and their connections to American culture as a whole.