Elementary School Being Built With Complete Genderless Bathrooms

Construction for a new elementary school shows that the building will contain complete genderless bathrooms throughout.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

genderless bathrooms

The John M. Gandy Elementary School is being built to serve families in Ashland, Virginia. It is set to open for the 2024-2025 school year, but its design is the first of the Hanover Public Schools to pander to gender theory. Instead of building the typical sex-segregated restroom spaces, this new school has plans to provide genderless bathrooms for students K-5.


The architecture design was approved by Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates, a firm hired to add genderless bathrooms due to federal pressure to promote “equity” and gender inclusion in public schools. The youngest students in kindergarten and first grade will have single-use genderless bathrooms available in every classroom, but for students in second through fifth grade, the design includes stalls that are enclosed from floor to ceiling. Sinks and mirrors are to be set in the hallway, so that students have complete privacy while going to the bathroom, but none if they need to comb their hair or wash their face. 

The idea is that students won’t have much time in the bathroom unsupervised and that they will be safe from others while locked in the stalls. Yet, many concerned parents know that sex-segregated spaces do not just protect students’ safety, but also their privacy. In the crusade to be gender inclusive, young students at this school are now losing their ability to groom themselves and wash themselves without others watching as they pass through the halls. 

How this will affect students’ mental health and self-esteem is unknown. What is clear is that the federal government’s insertion of identity politics is damaging the social perception of scientific biology and human function. Genderless bathrooms were the compromise this school decided on because they were vilified for not implementing policies that allowed transgender elementary school students to use the bathroom of their choice. 

Because of this, now families of students who adhere to biology must decide whether they wish to support the school or seek out alternative education options. It is no secret that the bathroom debate is a divisive topic. While some parents support genderless bathrooms, many are concerned about the long-term effects of teaching children gender theory. Gender confusion causes a host of psychological issues and pushes one-sided politics that have yet to lead children to successful outcomes. 

Although this school will not open for two more years, the response to these genderless bathrooms for children is mixed. The majority of online reactions question the validity of the situation and express concern. Despite this, there are a number of supporters who seem to believe that this will not affect children’s ability to learn, interact, or socialize at all. 

The direct community response is still uncertain. While many parents wish to be understanding and inclusive, the new genderless bathroom design is pushing students into the hallway to wash their hands and brush their hair. Balancing the needs for personal space and non-discriminatory practices is a challenge that many public schools have struggled with in recent times. How this move will affect students depends on their experiences once the new school opens.