Middle School Boys’ ‘Pedo Database’ Helped Oust An Inappropriate Teacher

Davisville Middle School boys created a Discord page for students to document the inappropriate behavior of a tenured teacher, which ultimately led to his suspension.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

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Davisville Middle School students recognized that something was wrong. Their sixth-grade teacher — and extracurricular activity coach — treated male students like second-class citizens while flirting with female students, but he had been in the profession for almost 30 years, and when students complained no one took them seriously. This activity went on through seventh grade, leading a group of male students to start documenting the teacher’s comments and inappropriate behavior on a “Pedo Database” they created on Discord. 

The “Pedo Database” was created by a group of boys who felt bad for the girls being singled out. These Davisville Middle School boys’ hope was that by listing the teacher’s behavior they would eventually gain enough proof of his misconduct. They posted in real-time and after class, documenting every incident they witnessed. 

The Davisville Middle School boys posted about how the teacher teased girls, flirted with others, and even made a female student take off her shoes in class and ordered her to try and wiggle her toes without moving the pinkies. They documented quotes where he made students dance for him, asked them to come to school in their swimsuits, and even said, “You all love me so choose love.”

Once the school year ended, the Davisville Middle School boys met up with incoming students to warn them. They gave these kids access to the Discord channel with instructions to continue documenting the inappropriate behavior. By April of 2022, the teacher in question was escorted off school grounds after the superintendent was notified of stalking allegations and other suspicious activity. 

The Davisville Middle School student had to threaten to get a restraining order before action was finally taken. The parents of the girl in question had complained previously to no avail. Before being removed, the teacher had coached at other schools and parents at those locations warned the parents of the student who was fixated on that he was holding “coaching sessions” in his basement and obsessing over certain girls. 

The Davisville Middle School was unable to release the name of the teacher involved — due to the ongoing investigation — but investigators publicly asked for help gaining information on the subject. The mother of one of the boys using the Discord channel asked him if he knew anything about the situation. He told her about the “Pedo database” and how students were logging the teacher’s actions. Immediately concerned, she helped her son turn the information over to authorities. 

The investigation currently continues. For now, the Davisville Middle School teacher remains on leave. Whether or not charges will be filed and reprimand will follow depends on the case, but the students involved are well aware of the teacher’s identity and actions. 

Davisville Middle School

This case is proving to be a reminder of the power of students’ ability to look out for each other, even when the community fails to do so. While many families within the Davisville Middle School were affected, parents and school staff did not take students’ concerns seriously. This potentially jeopardized the safety of female students and has now led to a series of investigations involving the teacher and his actions.