District Votes To Reinstate Corporal Punishment Policy Allowing Teachers To Spank Students

A Missouri school district voted to reinstate corporal punishment and allow teachers to spank students as a discipline measure.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

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Missouri school district

School violence is on the rise. Chronic absenteeism is up, and even the national Education Secretary believes that the teacher shortage is due to a lack of respect for educators. As many schools relax disciplinary measures or have even switched to race-based discipline, one Missouri school district is ramping up punishments

The Cassville School District serves a small town. This Missouri School District is near the Arkansas border southwest of Springfield. With only about 4,000 people total, parents and teachers know each other well. 

Due to community support, the Missouri School district is reinstating corporal punishment. Students who act up, or become unable to control will be subject to spankings. This measure will be used only as a last resort and has been a part of the district’s policies in the past. Physical reprimands have only been banned within these schools for just over 20 years. 

The Missouri school district Superintendent, Meryl Johnson has taken a traditional stance on this subject. He admits that he did not accept the position with this idea in mind last year, but that he supports it due to parental urging. The majority of families with children in the district actually requested the change in disciplinary action. 

Cassville is a traditional community. They adhere to standards that children should behave and if they become too out of control, may need a spanking in order to understand the severity of their misdoings. When addressing behavioral issues with parents, the Missouri school district was met with an overwhelming number of responses in favor of allowing teachers to spank unruly students. 

It is uncertain how this form of punishment will be reintroduced. While some schools are just now banning practices like paddling, the question of whether or not paddles will be used has come up. The Missouri school district Superintendent addressed the subject admitting that the specifics have yet to be decided upon. 

Missouri school district

The majority of parents with children enrolled in the Missouri school district have thanked the Superintendent for bringing back spanking options. Discipline is a serious concern for parents in the area. Instead of adhering to modern ideology, this school system is focused on serving those who are directly involved in the district regardless of what outsiders may think. 

While this is true for the majority of Cassville parents, those who do not agree with the new updates to the Missouri school district’s discipline policy can opt-out. In addition, parents are asked to consent to spanking measures if they do support corporal punishment. This offers individual choice in a small town settled within one of the 19 states which currently allow such disciplinary measures. 

Respecting the community and working with parents has let the Cassville Missouri school district to reinstate corporal punishment. It is a completely optional and legal prospect that gives teachers the ability to reprimand unruly students to control their classrooms swiftly. While it may not be a popular method in some areas, the traditional town is more focused on giving educators the ability to enforce school rules with strict measures to ensure that students behave and respect their teachers.