Schools Using Dogs To Detect COVID

Some schools are using COVID sniffing dogs to detect the virus in the school, in an effort to keep people safe and schools open.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

From the start of 2020 information and protocols surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have been conflicting. From whether or not masks are necessary to how the virus spreads, these important issues have led many to change how they act and react to others based on how Dr. Anthony Fauci and the CDC advised them. Various teachers unions have lobbied to extend mask mandates, continue virtual learning, and even supported forced vaccines on employees. Now COVID sniffing dogs are being used to detect the virus in some schools although the CDC itself admitted that the illness isn’t a threat to most Americans, and that those who have been harmed by it generally had 4 or more other life-threatening conditions.  

Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Fauci contradicted himself, allowed politics to dictate school health procedures, and even admitted to falsifying information that led Americans to believe what he wanted them to believe. Lawmakers across the nation latched onto COVID-19 fears even though as early as late spring of 2020 it was determined that the virus was not as deadly or harmful as predicted, and that it did not easily spread through surface contamination. Despite this, Freetown Elementary School in Massachusetts — and other schools in some areas — are employing COVID sniffing dogs to seek out surface contamination, potentially threatening trash cans, and desks and book bags which may smell of the virus. 

This may be excessive being that if detected, students are evacuated from the area and it is immediately disinfected. Though mutations have occurred, and some teachers fear new strands, scientists continue to note that, “mutations are a natural part of the virus life cycle and rarely impact outbreaks dramatically.” While COVID sniffing dogs may ease educator’s fears, how it impacts children in the classroom is yet to be recorded. Even so, a youth mental health crisis has erupted due to excessive pandemic protocols which taught children to fear their own bodies as they were isolated from grandparents and other family members over false claims that asymptomatic carriers were a serious threat. Multiple studies revealed that contact with children may have actually increased adult resilience to COVID-19 and that individuals living with children were 25% less likely to die of the virus than those who did not live with children.   

Yet somehow, no matter how many scientific studies debunk media claims which spread COVID hysteria, concerns still plague students, parents, and teachers. Furthermore, the public education system received billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSR) which must be spent by the fall of 2024 unless districts file for an extension and receive government approval. This money was not given any stipulations, though it was released for public health reasons. While some schools have spent these taxpayer dollars on inserting identity politics into the classroom, or ordinary teaching materials, Freetown Elementary School is at least using their pandemic relief funding to employ a resource related to combating the virus in the form of COVID sniffing dogs. 

covid sniffing dogs

How long these canine units will be employed has not been determined. There are also no published studies confirming that their services reduce COVID transmissions. While the concept is still in the early stages whether or not COVID sniffing dogs are necessary at all is yet to be seen.