High School Shows Students Video Urging Them Not To Call Police

A Denver high school was exposed for showing students a controversial video that suggests they not call police during racist attacks.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

Denver high school

The Denver South High School is under fire for showing students a 5-year-old video telling them not to call the authorities in case of a racist attack. Apparently, teenagers are not supposed to call for help, but just engage violent perpetrators themselves. Being that this would directly place minors in danger of physical violence, the Denver Police Foundation called the lesson “reprehensible.” See the video for yourself below.

The video was posted by the Barnard Center for Research on Women. While they present their organization as an educational resource, they are a self-proclaimed group of activists working for social transformation. Founded in 1971, they have veered toward a social justice initiative to capitalize off of identity politics in recent times. After receiving backlash over showcasing the center’s video advising people not to call the police in times of crisis, the Denver high school in question admitted that the content was “not fully vetted.”

This displays negligence on the part of the Denver high school. For years parents have been fighting for public school curriculum transparency. Mothers and fathers wish to know that their children are being taught important educational material that will benefit them in the future. The content in the video in question is exactly what many families are concerned about. 

Instead of ensuring that teenagers are learning appropriate and useful lessons, the Denver South High School showcased a video that works to scare students into mistrusting public servants who are specifically hired, trained, and monitored (with body cameras) to protect and serve. While activists and even community leaders have decried some police actions in certain situations, the majority of officers never draw or shoot their guns. In addition, the number of police officers shot in the line of duty has increased since 2019, along with rates of violence, making the job more complex. 

Although the video advised students not to call for help, even the federally-funded Western Educational Equity Assistance Center admitted that hate crimes are illegal and should be reported. Expecting teenagers to mediate violent situations without proper training, protection, or self-defense strategies can place them in harm’s way. Whether the Denver high school or institutions like the Barnard Center for Research on Women, can be held liable for instructing individuals to avoid calling the police in emergency situations — should they intervene and become injured or killed — is uncertain. 

It is no secret that violence increased during the pandemic. A 19% increase in violence was reported, while violence against women and children significantly rose. This has been linked to various factors. From a lack of proper mental health services to increased struggles and hunger issues, school violence has also seen an increase. Instead of educating students about how to resolve conflicts or seek out help, the Denver high school in question turned to an aged YoutTube video released by an alleged politically biased feminist institution.

Police officers are trained to respond to calls for help and react based on each situation, something that many high school students have little to no knowledge of.  Many parents and law officials do not support the video and related movements which place children at the center of racial conflicts. For now, the Denver high school has not released any plans to offer the students subjected to the video other related lessons, or further instruction on the subject.