Everything To Know About Koala Parenting
Here is everything to know about koala parenting, the trending technique that celebrities are gushing over.
Koala parenting has gained popularity thanks to endorsements from celebrities. Also known as “attachment parenting” this re-branded approach to motherhood evolved from the highly effective Kangaroo Care method which was developed in the 1970s. So what is it and why do mothers find it so rewarding?
This method promotes bonding. It encourages skin-to-skin contact which has proven to reduce infant mortality rates and promote babies’ growth. Koala parenting takes this concept and incorporates it into everyday practices.
Koala parenting consists of seven different components. The first promotes Kangaroo Care: skin-to-skin contact and bonding. This helps babies regulate their breathing and stress levels while it offers mothers special cuddles that help them through all the changes of caring for a new child. This contact encourages healthy breastfeeding habits which is the second component of this parenting style.
The benefits of breastfeeding are well-known. A mother’s milk is designed especially for her baby and sets children on a path to good health from birth. The third aspect of koala parenting also helps promote baby/mother contact and breastfeeding. It is wearing the baby in a wrap or child sling that attacks them to her body. Babies who are carried in this way grow more connected to their mothers and this allows mothers to hold their little ones and still finish other tasks.
Co-sleeping or sleep-sharing is the fourth koala parenting component. While some healthcare providers still warn against this practice, mothers around the world have experienced the benefits of this age-old tradition. They are better able to breastfeed and watch over babies when they develop their first illness. Although this method is often safe, there are some risks of suffocation, so each family must do what is best for them.
The fifth aspect of koala parenting encourages empathizing when babies cry. Instead of letting infants “cry it out,” or adhering to the modern belief that crying is a form of manipulation, parents who are focused on bonding accept that crying is a form of communication that often indicates a baby’s need. The sixth component is a simple and helpful one for parents who feel overwhelmed and have tried everything to get their child on a schedule to no avail. Beware of the “experts.” While some professionals are able to offer sound advice, every child is different and no clinical studies can pinpoint all the individual needs and issues that a baby and their parents will experience.

Lastly, and arguably most important, koala parenting promotes balance. Parents must take care of themselves in order to properly care for their babies. This means that mothers and fathers must do what is best for the family and not just focus only on their child all day every day. It is a concept that may have seemed strange in previous generations but is often lacking in today’s quick-moving society.
Koala parenting utilizes various practices which have been successful throughout the world for generations. It promotes bonding, care, balance, and understanding. While some critics fear it may lead to over-attachment, connecting with infants is something parents find beneficial. In order to raise a healthy child, building a strong bond is the first step to proper guidance.