Harvard Cancels Black Professor For Exposing Unrealistic Woke Beliefs
A Black Harvard professor is being cancelled after publishing evidence that exposes WOKE doctrines.
It is no secret that elite universities like Yale and Harvard are politically biased. From Yale’s inability to defend a conservative from threats of violence to Harvard staff vilifying homeschooling because then parents (the legal guardians of children) are in control of what they learn. These once heralded schools seem to be yet another example of biased institutions. Now the details of one of the most hush-hush political college attacks are coming to light and they display how the famous college canceled a black Harvard professor for exposing how unrealistic and untrue WOKE beliefs are.
Ronald G. Fryer is a respected educator. As a tenured Harvard professor of economics, he is obligated to find truth and reasoning in economic data. Upon examining the “black achievement gap” — a concept that progressive educators everywhere blame on systematic racism, white privilege, and a bevy of other factors — he found that black and white children, who are similar, start at the same achievement level, but over time the black students fall behind. He also found that it may be linked to the importance of education which is instilled at home. He noted in one paper that, “black children tend to live in situations that are less conducive to learning.” He has also discussed how black students, on average, have fewer books in their homes and therefore do not have as much learning material to go through. Thanks to libraries and free book programs, black families can remedy this, but that dispels the WOKE doctrine that minorities cannot rise above their current situation.
The Harvard professor also concluded that the black achievement gap has been significantly shrinking since the 90s, which was well before the WOKE crowd started imposing their ideologies, but that is not all. He went on to study the racial difference in the use of police force. The findings were released in 2016, after Black Lives Matter, but before the George Floyd riots, and stated, “On the most extreme use of force –officer-involved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.”

These truths completely contradict the political rhetoric Harvard supports and encourages. So what did they do? They could not fire a tenured Harvard professor, that would have created a political firestorm. Instead, somehow, very conveniently, Ronald G. Fryer was accused of making unwanted advances on a student in 2018. This seems to be more and more common on the political stage, and many wonder if it is not the only remaining tactic one can use to discredit a credible man. Especially in the case of Fryer, because when the investigation of these claims returned nothing of a sinister nature, the college suspended him for 2 years. During this period he was unable to teach or use the school’s resources, and his off-campus lab was closed.
In essence, a Harvard professor was canceled without due process or proper ado. One would think that a law school, in particular, would be seeking justice in every situation. But knowing their track record, one cannot help but question their motives. Ronald G. Fryer was doing his job. He was examining facts over feelings. He has not been found guilty of any misconduct. The only thing he did was find unpopular conclusions in his research.
For a school that is no longer requiring SAT or ACT scores for admission, and even hosts segregated graduations, this case does not look good. Whether the Harvard professor will publish his story is yet to be seen. Even so, a new documentary is being made about his unwarranted cancellation and that is expected to offer more perspective on this highly-questionable situation.