See One States Radical Sex Education Syllabus Being Taught To Young Children

See lesson plans alleged to be the new sex education standards teaching gender identity and genitalia to young kids.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

sex education

We hear about it all over the news; school indoctrination. The radical right wages a culture war against the radical left claiming the latter is grooming young students inside classrooms. And while oftentimes, there is no proof to back these claims up, documentation of New Jersey’s newly planned sex education guidelines has some parents reeling over what the state is planning to teach children as young as first grade.

New teaching standards for sex education were established in 2020, but are not required to be enacted until September 2022. Prepping for the new guidelines to roll out next fall, districts across the state have begun sharing documentation and curriculums showcasing what young elementary students will learn about sex education and gender identity starting next fall. The problem, however, is over the validity of these claimed documents, and they might not be legitimate.

sex education

The new standards were revised to bring the state’s Health and Physical Education standards into modernized times. Specifically, the mission of the new sex education standards seeks to educate students to “possess health and physical literacy” by developing healthy habits that will positively impact students, families, schools, and the community. But a look at the guidelines standards for what 2nd graders and younger are being taught has some parents alarmed.

In regards to social and sexual health, the new sex education standards say that by the end of 2nd grade, students should understand unique skills and qualities in regards to individualism and the way people may dress. It also states that kids should understand that families shape the way we think about our bodies, health, and behaviors. Fox News has claimed after reading the same standards document that 2nd graders are expected to learn about gender, gender expression, and sexual orientation. However, it should be noted that the document says nothing about this in regards specifically to 2nd graders.

sex education

Fox News was able to obtain alleged documentation from one New Jersey school district’s lesson plans on sex education titled “Purple, Pink and Blue”. The lesson plan is for 1st graders, and its learning objectives are to teach young children how to define gender, gender identity, and gender role stereotypes. Moreso, the lesson plan asks students to name at least 2 gender role stereotypes they have learned and how they might limit people. But what is upsetting to some parents is the mention of boy or girl “parts” within the lesson plan.

Another lesson plan titled “Understanding Our Bodies” tells 2nd-grade teachers to teach sex education in regards to different body parts. The objective is to have the children be able to identify at least four body parts from female to male genitalia. It also asks for students to be able to understand why it is important for them the know the correct names for genitals. 

The problem with these lesson plans is that New Jersey claims they aren’t real. The lesson plans were obtained from a New Jersey Board of Education meeting held in February. During that time, officials discussed the upcoming revisions of sex education in the state, but the district claims the documented plans were not what is being taught, or planned to be taught, in classrooms within the state. Superintendent Dr. Raymond González told Fox News that the lesson plans were samples that aligned with the Garden States standards.

But regardless of whether or not the documentation was used as a reference, many parents and legislatures are upset with the idea of gender and sex education being taught to kids as young as 2nd grade. Opposers to the idea believe that this kind of dialogue with young children should be left up to the parents, not the schools. And with at least 4 more months left until elementary schools within New Jersey roll out the new standards, the state has likely not heard the end of parent’s outcries against the radical change.