Pride Flags Being Banned In Classrooms

Why are pride flags banned in certain classrooms? It's becoming a controversial decision by one school district.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

pride flags banned

Public schools have become so politicized that even flags are a divisive issue. Because of the increasing concerns surrounding the sexualization of children in schools, a Wisconsin district recently made the decision to ban pride flags in the classroom. This is not the first time that pride flags have been banned in schools, and as parents clash with school districts regarding what should be taught in sexual education classes, it is not likely to be the last. 

Last year the Davis School District in northern Utah banned pride flags and Black Lives Matter flags. This was sparked due to the divisive nature of these movements. Parents and communities have clashed with angry protesters and found that many ideologies being pressed by both groups are studying students’ ability to work together and find academic success. The pride fag ban upset many LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, but other schools have followed suit.  

In Missouri, a teacher resigned because the school he worked for moved to have the pride flag banned, and an Indiana school banned the pride flag after concerned parents spoke out against it. While many families support providing a safe and fair education to everyone, a great majority do not believe it is healthy to teach young children about sexuality or to impress biased political ideologies onto students without parental consent. Gender theory has entered public school classes at increasing rates. This is prompted by The Biden Administration’s push for “gender inclusivity,” and the fact that the Department of Education is awarding government grants based on the implementation of critical race theory and gender theory in schools.

Public school enrollment has dropped to historic lows. While many wish to blame the pandemic, plenty of parents have admitted that their decision was based on other factors, like politics entering the classroom. By instituting a pride flag ban one Milwaukee school district is hoping to end the division and return to unifying school practices which do not promote politics, sexuality, or other mature content. 

As the pride flag is now banned, some LGBTQIA2S+ students are upset, but some parents have expressed support for the measure noting that sexual preference has no place in academic learning. In recent years a focus on gender studies has left core classes lacking. Reading ability and test scores in math and science have suffered. Districts that support improving student progress and teaching them scientifically based lessons and factual information are finding it necessary to remove political flags from school premises in order to properly teach. 

While activists may decry these actions, the fact of the matter is that parents and communities are tired of extremism. Most people wish for children to receive a balanced well–rounded education free of political rhetoric and propagandist indoctrination materials that portray serious adult decisions as childhood fantasy and youthful play. While the pride flag is banned at school, nothing is preventing students and individuals from flying whatever flags they wish at home or marching in pride parades. Schools are simply working to ensure that students focus on their lessons instead of obsessing over identity politics and other students’ sexual preferences.