School Shares Social Media Post Promoting The Use Of Adult Toys

A Texas high school has stirred debate regarding a post shared to social media promoting masturbation and adult sex toys.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

Texas high school

A large school district in Texas has garnered national attention thanks to a social media post in which it appears the school system promoted the use of adult sex toys for masturbation. The story is just one of many involving public schools and their alleged push towards progressivism, which has caused parents to speak out more than ever about their disdain towards how schools are run. But now, the Texas high school at the center of this story is attempting to smooth things over, asserting that the post was shared by accident.

State Republican Rep. Jared Patterson blew up the story surrounding this Texas high school on August 19th. The conservative rep. who has run his campaign for reelection with a focus on public school reformation shared a screenshot on Twitter of a picture shared by the Emerson High School’s counselors’ Instagram account. The congressman said the photo was shared with him by a concerned parent. The informative image conveyed “self love reminders” that said toys can help with sexual anxiety, and even included the drawing of an adult toy as well.

According to Chalkboard Review, the post was reshared and linked back to an account meant to advertise a discount code to purchase adult toys. District officials initially responded in a now-deleted Tweet saying that the controversial picture was shared because the account had been hacked. Later on, they changed their statement, telling families that the Texas high school account had not been compromised and that it was in fact shared by a staff member. 

In the Friso Independent School District’s (FISD) statement, they maintained that they learned a teacher shared the picture without knowing the full context later on. Allegedly, the Texas high school staffer thought it dealt solely with self-care, not realizing the sexual aspect of it. After realizing their mistake, they quickly removed the post and made up a story that the account had been hacked. 

Not everyone is buying the district’s excuse for the post. For one thing, many remain upset with the mere fact that a teacher could so blatantly miss a vital aspect of the post, which clearly shows a person next to an adult toy. Because of that, others believe that the story may be contrived in order to save face, meaning that the post may have intentionally been shared with Texas high school students. 

Public schools across the nation are being criticized by families and politicians alike for various findings of illicit content in classroom materials. Books coined pornographic in nature are being challenged and removed from school libraries, and sex ed curriculums are being exposed for contentious lessons that some fear is sexualizing children at far-too young ages. With this notion, many are outraged at the wrongdoings found within this Texas high school.

Whether or not the post promoting masturbation and adult toy use was meant to be shared or not, the fact remains that a teacher shared a post to a Texas high school’s official social media page without fully vetting its content. It is unknown whether or not the teacher was reprimanded for his mistake. However, what is known is that parents’ and lawmakers’ voices decrying sexual content in schools are growing louder than ever, and the pushback against public schools is gaining traction all across the nation.