These Are The Billionaires Responsible For Pushing CRT Into Classrooms

These are the billionaires and foundations allegedly responsible for funneling millions of dollars to support CRT teachings in school.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School


Critical race theory (CRT) is quite the contentious topic in education this year. Opposers of the teaching say it has weaseled its way into public schools and is dividing children and making some students feel guilty about the color of their skin. Supporters often argue that it isn’t even being taught at the K-12 level, and defend its usage regardless, saying it gives students an inside look into the history of slavery and systemic racism in America. For those who oppose this topic, a new report sheds light on some of the wealthiest philanthropists said to be pumping CRT into classrooms through hefty donations.

Luke Rosiak – a Republican reporter – recently published an article for the conservative site, The Federalist, promoting his new book that offers a deep dive into the billionaires that are funding “woke” movements and policies in education. In his article, he addresses billionaire families like Gates, Ford, Kellogg, and MacArthur as the culprits funneling millions of dollars to companies that create CRT-related curricula for schools. His new book, Race to the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education, is now available for purchase.

Bill Gates

Rosiak reports that billionaire families helmed by millionaires such as Bill Gates, the Ford family – who operates the Ford Family Foundation, and the historical Carnegie family, have long provided funding to the National School Board Association(NSBA) via private endeavors. The NSBA has come under fire in recent years, as reports in the media have shown how these groups heavily influenced strict COVID protocols that shut down schools. They are also associated with promoting the use of CRT teachings in school.

MacArthur Foundation: President John Palfrey

The MacArthur Foundation, run by the wealthy MacArthur family, is also said to have poured money into projects that support CRT ideology. To this, Rosiak claims that the controversial 1619 Project would not exist without the aid of the MacArthurs. The extensive report, helmed by journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones for the New York Times was said to be an in-depth look into the consequences of slavery in America. However, it was rebuked by many and said to have placed political ideologies ahead of historical facts. It is thought by many to be a prime example of CRT.

Back in 2017, Rosiak reported that MacArthur awarded Hannah-Jones with a $625,000 “no-strings-attached grant.” However, there is no trace of where this money went or any source for his proof. Additionally, Rosiak says that Hannah-Jones, who recently took a job teaching CRT concepts as a professor at Howard University, only was able to attain the position thanks to the MacArthur Foundation. 

The wealthy Kellogg family is also said to bankroll groups that promote CRT in public education. They are linked to the Zinn Education Project, which helps to create school materials for nearly all public schools in America. The lesson plans are said to be very contentious, including lesson plans that discuss COVID “accountability” and promoting the end of capitalism. How that ties into CRT, however, is unclear.

Pointing out the wealthy philanthropic foundations that fund contentious programs that may impact public education does little but further the divide and anger that the state of America’s education system is now facing. How exactly these findings are supposed to make a change, remains unclear. As politics drive a wedge in education, it is often unclear where the majority of Americans stand on CRT. Some polls suggest that parents are pulling their children out of public school in droves, as they are against divisive concepts like critical race theory. But on the other hand, other reports show a different story, as surveys find that the majority of American families are satisfied with public schools.