Hear A Mom Troll School Board Members In Response To Classroom Expectations

Listen to a mom troll her local school board with parental expectations as many parents lose trust in the district.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

parental expectations

Many parents across the nation are speaking up more than ever before about their disdain for public education and the path it is heading down. They are unhappy with a lack of transparency and want to see schools keep politics, ideologies, and various cultural aspects out of the classroom. One mother took matters into her own hands at a recent school board meeting, trolling board members over its apparent lack of appeal to many families, reading members a list of parental expectations. Listen to her speech below.

Parent Jennifer Alvey took to the floor at a recent Chandler Unified School District CUDC) board meeting to read off a list of parental expectations The Dailly Caller reports that she drafted on behalf of community families. While true in content, this “gimmick” was in direct response to the Arizona district’s decision to send children home with a list of classroom expectations. Given the controversial happenings that have left some parents irate with district operations lately, the reading couldn’t have come at a more heated time. 

Within the parental expectations list, seven governing acts of anticipation were read that enforced transparency and accountability from the school district. To start, Alvey asserted that parents required the district to make school materials “available for public review upon request.” Additionally, another point argued that the board should make all materials easily accessible. 

According to her accounts when citing the parental expectations, Alvey noted that parents are currently required to come into the school if they wish to review content and curriculum used in schools. To this, the mother noted that the district easily enforced online learning with touted advanced technology. Therefore, there was no reason they couldn’t make this material available for parents to review online. 

Much of the contention over school curriculums stems from a claim that the school board approved a measure to finance training for a program called Deep Equity. Initiated by Corwin Publication, this training curriculum is believed to be rooted in critical race theory practices, which many parents are strictly against being used in public schools. This is also believed to have launched the desire to present the board with these parental expectations. 

Another portion of the parental expectations list asked the district to cease protocols in which they were sending authorities after certain parents opposed to some district measures. According to another report from The Daily Caller last November, district officials synergized with police officers asking them to spy on parents who disapproved of the district’s school mask mandates. Allegedly, this led to multiple arrests of parents who refused to follow district protocol and mask up during board meetings.

Jennifer Alvey ended her list of parental expectations by providing CUSD leadership with a two-week time frame to get back to her on whether or not they planned to abide by the terms or not. She noted that this is similar to time-frames that were given to parents when presented with classroom expectations. While Alvey announced that she was speaking on behalf of many concerned parents, she did, however, note that this wasn’t on behalf of every family represented in the district, acknowledging that not everyone felt as she did.