Child Removed From Public School After Mom Questioned A Gender Identity Survey
A student was expelled from a high school after her mother criticized the school for giving her a gender identity survey.
Sexual orientation and gender identity have become heated, forefront topics in education. On one side, LGBTQ+ activists and initiatives are calling for more inclusivity within the school setting. On the other hand, adversaries of this argue that schools are not the correct place to be imposing these measures. Now, a mother and her child appear to be caught up in the battle over these culture wars, as she alleges that her daughter was expelled from a school because she questioned and criticized the school for making him fill out a gender identity survey.
According to a report from The Daily Caller, a 14-year-old girl was kicked out of the Cypress Creek High School in Florida without the family being given any due process to appeal the removal. Court documents show that the family has opened a lawsuit against the district, stating that this was done in retaliation stemming from her mother’s behavior towards the school. The Caller claims she exercised her parental rights and spoke out against the school’s gender identity survey, but the district alleges the parent acted in a harassing manner.
The incident stems back to a letter sent to the mother, Rebecca Yuengling, from the school principal last school year. The letter was to inform her that her daughter was being transferred out of Cypress Creek and into nearing Sunlake High School. Within the letter, the principal alleges that Yuengling (the mother) acted in an extremely harassing nature that disrupted school. He said that in a short time, she sent more than 500 emails, and ridiculed school staff so fiercely that it led to one teacher quitting – all because of her disapproval of a gender identity survey that was given to her daughter.
The lawsuit filed asserts that the district did not follow due process, by not giving the family any opportunity to appeal the transfer. According to the district’s Code of Conduct, families are supposed to be given a chance to appeal. The Yuenglings conveyed that they were never given this opportunity, and the decision was final. On top of that, the suit suggests that Yuenling’s first amendment rights were violated given the punishment put on her daughter after she expressed her disdain for the gender identity survey.
The 14-year-old was said to have been traumatized by the expulsion. Allegedly, on the day she was removed from school, she was escorted in tears off school property and forced to wait alone for her mother to pick her up. As a humiliating experience, she now suffers emotionally from the removal and transfers feeling punished because of her mother’s actions in speaking out against the gender identity survey.

The lawsuit remains open, and there are no further updates or responses documented from the school district on the matter. Despite that, the case of this mother filing a lawsuit that stems back to contention over a gender identity survey shines a light on the growing debate over identity and sexuality issues dividing parents. Like similar cases of school expulsion, it shows that both sides of that divide may be guilty of taking sides in that battle, which ultimately hurts the children.