University To Hold Racially Segregated Events

The Indiana Christian University is drawing backlash for its decision to host racially segregated listening lessons.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

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Indiana Christian University

Segregation is making a comeback. As liberals push politically controversial ideologies like treating everyone differently based on what they look like, in order to stop people from treating everyone differently based on what they look like, colleges across the nation have begun to adopt these pre-civil rights era ideologies. The Indiana Christian University, named the Anderson University, is hosting special “listening sessions,” where students will be divided based on their race in an effort to encourage students to express their ideas and experiences on the topic of racism. 

Schools have often broken classes up to take on troubling topics when addressing children. When children near puberty (and some well before that), many schools across the nation divide classes up by gender to help young girls understand their bodies and give young boys information about the changes that their bodies will be going through. This tactic of dividing students is generally used for underdeveloped, immature minors who are not at an age where they can easily discuss this information. The Indiana Christian University now believes that treating full-grown college students like prepubescent children is necessary for adult discussions about identity politics.

This move has received mixed messages from students, plenty of which are adults who wish to not only be treated like adults but who do not approve of pre-civil rights segregation. One student compared it directly to the 1960s, while another commented that the Indiana Christian University, “school’s solution to racism is even more racism.” The school’s President, John Pistole defended the measure stating that the intention is to, “create a safe place for our students to openly share their experiences, and not to alienate persons in the process.”

Indiana Christian University

One might wonder how safe these students feel knowing that this Indiana Christian University wishes to spit their students up by race. The question of whether or not splitting everyone up by gender, religion, or eye color would also be considered “safe” is also of merit in this situation, especially being that this is not the first university to do this and the trend isn’t likely to end any time soon. Since 2017 Harvard University has hosted a “Black graduation,” where only black students can walk together. 

In 2019 Williams College proposed segregated housing for “minoritized students.” They were following in the footsteps of UCLA and Berkeley, both of which offer segregated living spaces. Then, who could forget the fall of 2020 when Lewis & Clark College in Portland Oregon directed first-year students to identify their race and then segregated them in an effort to deliver two different orientations based on the race of the students they were addressing. So the Indiana Christian University isn’t taking new liberties, or “blazing new trails,” in fact the United States of America already went through segregation and that was removed due to the unconstitutional nature of forcing students apart based on their characteristics. 

Indiana Christian University

The issue here is that self-segregation is a choice, one that cannot be avoided. If students choose to live with other students like them and wish to only graduate alongside peers of their race, colleges like Indiana Christian University are forced to either cater to students’ wishes or deny them the right to assemble as they so desire, and potentially face the backlash. Yet, when these schools take the initiative and create segregated events on their own, it is a suspicious situation that leads many to look back to the Jim Crow Era and draw new concerns for the future of the nation.