Massachusetts Says Kids Uncomfortable Sharing A Bathroom With Transgenders Need Counseling

See the Massachusetts DOE policy suggesting students uncomfortable with transgenders should seek counseling.

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

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Massachusetts DOE

The Massachusetts Department of Education has decided that underage students who do not wish to change in locker rooms or share a bathroom with a trans classmate due to biological sex differences should seek counseling. In addition, the Massachusetts DOE also noted that concerns for their safety are not a reason to prevent trans students from picking whichever bathrooms and/or locker rooms they feel like using based on their gender identity. Cases cited included a 7-year-old trans-second-grade student, which has led many to question if not only is this stance harmful to natural-born females, but also to children being transitioned before they are old enough to fully understand the biological and psychological consequences of trying to force the human body to be something it is not.

Sex-segregated spaces have been a cultural norm for decades. They were created to protect women from vulnerability and offer both men and women privacy. Then came the great bathroom debates. As the trans movement has gained more followers, so has the trend of allowing children to transition from one sex to another, and now some public schools are allowing students to pick the bathroom of their choice even without any transitioning at all. This alleges that by law, if a boy puts on a dress and says he’s a girl, he can use the girl’s restroom. The Massachusetts DOE supports this ideology so much that they are now instructing young girls to seek mental help for simply being concerned about sharing a space where they are vulnerable with someone who can biologically overpower them. 

The Massachusetts DOE is completely ignoring the fact that a girl in Laudon County was sexually assaulted by a trans girl in a female bathroom, and that it was the biological male’s second offense. Lax bathroom policies that do not adhere to biology allowed this to happen, and leave young girls vulnerable to sexual abuse. Not only that, but it also encourages young children to make life-altering decisions without proper informed consent.

Massachusetts DOE

Parents, teachers, doctors, and even the Biden Administration are pushing everyone to reinforce the alleged false ideal that encouraging trans children to live as the opposite sex is healthy for them. They cite high suicide rates but do not examine the damaging psychological and painful physical side effects of pumping large doses of chemicals into one’s boy or even having surgeries to alter it that many opposers argue. Gender transitioning hormones alone cause a bevy of side effects. For Male to female transitions, risks include: blood clots, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. For female to male transitions, the risks are: baldness, high blood pressure, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, violence, liver failure, cancer, stroke, heart attack, and more. The Massachusetts DOE has not listed any of this information with its support of trans students, nor has the Biden Administration commented on these serious side effects which may very likely explain why so many transgender individuals consider suicide. 

Furthermore, accounts from former trans students who have now detransitioned are coming to light now that enough time has passed for this popular trend to be examined on a long-term scale. One young lady who has detransitioned went public with her story and explained how being encouraged to transition led her to suffer and eventually become infertile. Detransitioning is increasing just as transitioning is, so much so that an organization called “Detransition Voices” has been formed to offer support to individuals who wish to stop living as the opposite sex. Again, the Massachusetts DOE does not acknowledge the fact that many children change their minds after wishing to live as the opposite sex. 

Massachusetts DOE

Instead of examining the full scope of the situation, the Massachusetts DOE would rather support a potentially harmful practice instead. In addition, they’re telling natural-born girls to seek mental help if they fear having to change or expose their bottoms in a restroom while a male is present. Many individuals have expressed their anger at this policy. Whether this will affect the state’s student enrollment rate will be seen in time.