Nurse Fired For Blowing The Whistle On Teachers Secretly Giving Child Puberty Blockers
A school nurse was removed from her position at school for revealing that a 11-year-old is taking puberty blockers.
A Connecticut school nurse has found herself in hot water after revealing in a Facebook post that there is an 11-year-old at the school in which she worked who is on puberty blockers. Her revelation was immediately called transphobic, resulting in the school district removing her from her position pending an internal investigation. Her actions were called “inappropriate” by the district superintendent.
Kathleen Cataford, 77, was relieved of her nursing duties at the Richard J. Kinsella Magnet School in Hartford by Hartford Public Schools (HPS) after her post was read by a school parent and then reported to the school. The post in question was on a local mom’s group site that was requesting information on local school recommendations. Cataford responded in kind, perhaps revealing a little too much information regarding the puberty blockers.

In her response, Cataford started by giving a blunt warning – “Buyer beware.” She then went on to explain that the requester should “investigate the school curriculum…CT [Connecticut] is a very socially liberal, gender confused state.” Cataford then jumps in headfirst as to why she feels this way. “As a public school nurse, I have an 11 yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen students identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW, and administration.”
Cataford didn’t stop there. After lifting the curtain on the 11-yer-old female student, she went on to point to the fact that teachers and social workers “spend 37.5 hours a week influencing your children, not necessarily teaching your children what YOU think is being taught.” She went on to further point out that “Children are introduced to this confusion in kindergarten by the school SW who “teaches” social and emotional regulation and school expectations.”

Puberty blockers are another one of the hot-button topics seen across the United States today. For transgender children, they are used in stopping puberty. Supporters of using puberty blockers in children say that they save a trans child from the potential traumatic body changes they would go through in their body which they already feel uncomfortable in.
Opponents of puberty blockers say, although billed as reversible, blockers have side effects that are irreversible and can cause serious harm to those kids who use them later on in life. Some of these lasting side effects that can be seen are sterility or the inability to achieve orgasm. Kids using puberty blockers may also see issues with growth spurts and with bone growth and density.
The puberty blockers outing post was brought to the attention of the HPS by the mother of the 11-year-old Cataford was referring to in her post. The mother, who asked to remain unidentified citing her daughter’s privacy, saw the posting and immediately brought it to the attention of Hartford School District Officials. Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, Hartford Public Schools Superintendent, then issued a statement condemning Cataford’s actions, though she never did mention the former school nurse by name.
“Hartford Public Schools strives to provide an inclusive environment where all students feel seen, valued, respected, and heard,” part of the lengthy statement read. She added, “We uphold all of our staff to a high standard, entrusting them to be caretakers and leaders in the community. We as a school district are responsible for the health, well-being, social and emotional development, and safety of ALL of the children entrusted to our care. It is our responsibility to support our students’ growth, personal experiences, and social-emotional development.” Her entire statement can be seen below.

Puberty blockers aside, this is not the first instance that school officials have been open about keeping a child’s sexual or even psychological information private from their parents. It has become a major issue for parents, who are seeking more parental rights in determining what is best for their children. Recently Eau Claire School District Superintendent Michael Johnson defended the district’s right to student privacy. In his letter to parents, Johnson said, “If a child were to share their gender preference or sexual orientation with a staff member, and the staff member informed the parent without the child’s consent – this potentially violates the privacy rights of the student.”
In another case, Attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon, founder of the Center for American Liberty, went after the Spreckels Union School District in California, claiming that two LGBTQ activist teachers “secretly manipulated” an 11-year-old female student “into believing she was a transgender boy.” According to the claims, these two teachers even gave the female student tips on “how to bind her breasts.” The use of puberty blockers in children is a highly debated topic, but it should be one that starts with parents, children, and the doctors who are involved in the treatment. But what about the other issues being seen time and again inside public schools. What rights do parents have when it comes to being informed as to what is going on with their children at school? Should school officials keep students’ information secret from parents?
Parents don’t think so. Legislators across the nation are starting to agree with parents and are now introducing more bills aimed at puberty blockers that are giving parents more rights. But what about those teachers and school officials that decide to thumb their noses at new legislation? The questions and concerns are many and, so far, the answers are few.