School Board Director Teaching Sex And Pleasure Classes To 9-Year-Olds?
A school board director is under fire for claims her sex shop is hosting a sexual pleasure class for students as young as nine.
Sex education has long been taught in public schools, but how much, and when that information is presented to kids has drastically changed over the decades. Because of the growing call for normalization on the matter, many parents are fighting back at these attempts to teach kids what many deem age-inappropriate. Furthering these oppositions, a member of a school board is under fire for offering a class at a sex shop, where critics say she plans to teach children as young as nine a sexual pleasure class.
The New York Post reports that Jenn Mason is the director of a school board in the state of Washington. When she’s not busy overseeing school affairs, she is tending to her sex shop, the WinkWink Boutique. On her site for the business, her motto asserts that the business is inclusive to all ages, and not at all creepy. But to many, the mere fact that she is offering sexual pleasure workshops to young children is enough to send families running for the hills.
According to the obtained information from the Post, the board director will offer a series of classes touted as centering on sexual pleasure. Mason detailed these classes, saying she will offer four, three-hour-long educational classes next month, in an effort to “uncringe” the status quo currently circulating around sex education. However, these offerings will be split up by age.
For those attending between the ages of nine to 12, the sexual pleasure class will act as a lead-in for sex topics related to puberty, body changes, and sexuality basics. Mason says that the class focuses on identifying what makes a relationship healthy or not, along with giving them an understanding of bodily changes through puberty. Additionally, the class discusses consent and personal boundaries.
Other sexual pleasure class topics will discuss solo and partnered sexual activities. Science will also make the discussion, as sexual anatomy will be taught for a better understanding of pleasure and reproduction. Safe sex practices, gender identity, and more will be addressed. While its uncertain, these topics will likely be saved for the 13 to 17-year-old’s classes.
Jenn Mason’s sexual pleasure class has garnered plenty of attention across conservative news outlets, and social media, all of which is negative. This is rightfully so, as many American families feel that introducing children as young as nine to topics of sex is confusing, as many kids at this age will not even be able to comprehend the topic. Furthermore, many feel that it only promotes their sexualization at a young age.
But on the other hand, advocates like Jenn Mason feel that it is important to instruct young children on healthy sex habits, despite the pushback on her “sexual pleasure class”. Pediatricians assert that it is completely normal for little children, even as young as two, to begin to explore their bodies. While not everyone agrees with this, it happens regardless, and many hope that normalizing this will foster healthy sexual habits in the future.

Despite the constant pushback, Jenn Mason relentlessly will go on with her sexual pleasure class and other courses. More than likely, the facade that many naysayers are painting is extreme, as many want families to believe that nine year old will be taken into a sex shop to be directed on how to masturbate, or even use sex toys. Hopefully, this is not the case, and as Mason points out, nothing she is doing is illegal, and she is not forcing anyone into attending her classes.