Schools Changing Sex-Ed Curriculum Because Of Supreme Court

Sex-ed curriculum could now be changing because of the latest Supreme Court rulings. How will this change things in schools?

By Jessica Marie Baumgartner | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

sex-ed curriculum

Democratic lawmakers in Indiana are working to update the state’s sex-ed curriculum. This is in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to allow each area to decide what is best for its constituents as Indiana’s abortion ban advances. While the small group of Democrats claims this is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they have been funding measures to teach gender theory and critical race theory in classrooms under the guise of “equity” and sexual education

Indiana House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 2 were introduced with expansions to sex-ed curriculum to force schools to teach students about contraceptives. These measures were removed, as many parents and lawmakers still believe that those discussions should be held between parents and their children. This is a debate that has been ongoing for decades. 

In previous years, the sex-ed curriculum standard focused on biology, reproductive purpose, and family planning. Many schools have approved lessons that teach teens about contraceptives as a preventative measure to stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and reduce teenage pregnancy rates. Despite this STI rates have increased as have abortion rates and the normalization of hookup culture, proving that extensive sexual education does not always lead students to make wiser decisions. 

In addition, gender theory and sexuality lessons have entered public school classrooms and sex-ed curriculum across the nation. No longer are children taught about their bodies through scientific lessons once they reach pre-puberty ages. Instead, kindergartners and even pre-school students have been subjected to one-sided lessons that preach gender theory and impress the importance of exploring sexuality before children are old enough to even understand sex and sexual preference. These coincide with a federal government plan to institute critical race theory and other identity politics into the education system. 

Because of this, many states have worked to rein in extremist political lessons. Parents who wish for their children to learn core subjects and focus on more than just their sexuality have spoken out against graphic sexual books being placed in school libraries and sexual assault scandals that have allowed female students to be harmed by male students who use the girls’ restroom under gender inclusion policies. Lawmakers who support parental rights and community involvement in public schools have adjusted their sex-ed curriculum to ensure that only age-appropriate materials are being allowed in classroom settings. 

Those who oppose these measures, like the Indiana Democrats, claim that by removing an extensive sex-ed curriculum, students will not be prepared for adulthood. Currently, Indiana does not have any laws which force schools to teach anything other than biological function, HIV and AIDs, as well as the fact abstinence is the only 100% sound method of preventing unwanted pregnancy or STIs. This does not mean that districts cannot approve sharing information about contraceptives and other information should school boards and families request it, but Indiana Democrats could be using the new abortion ban as a scapegoat to create more government involvement in the education process.

While some people believe that schools should teach children about sex, sexuality, gender identity, and birth control from a young age, the fact of the matter is that many parents still believe that responsibility belongs to them. Sex-ed curriculum materials have undergone many changes throughout the years. As gender theory enters the conversation, plenty of taxpayers do not trust politicians who use abortion and abortion bans as a platform to preach expanding sexual content in school.