State Rep Tells Parents Who Want A Say To Get Out Of Public Schools

A congresswoman is caught going back on statements regarding public school funding as she takes to Twitter to apologize.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

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The internet has yet again proved that no one and nothing can be redacted from the world wide web. Democratic State representative Lee Snodgrass of Wisconsin recently came under fire for a now-deleted tweet. The controversial message from the Congresswoman aimed a bullet towards public school parents, as she suggested that parents who want a say in their children’s education should turn to homeschool or private institutions instead.

See a picture of the deleted social media message below.

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The now-deleted Tweet was posted to Lee Snodgrass’ personal Twitter account back in February. The Minority Caucus Sergeant At Arms is a Representative from Wisconsin’s District 57. After deleting the Tweet, Snodgrass continued to address the controversial message regarding public schools, while also apologizing for any confusion it may have sparked.

In her apology Tweet, Snodgrass stated the original statement was “lacking in nuance”. Furthermore, the Congresswoman said her words had been skewed and misinterpreted by many. Further obscuring her original message regarding public schools, the Wisconsin representative doubled back saying that she herself had a say in her children’s public school education.

To back up her apology, Snodgrass led the conversation with a follow-up Tweet. In the other message, she emphasized the importance the public has on voting in local school board elections for public schools. She also shared a link directing her viewers to  Wisconsin’s official voting registry site, urging people to vote in local school board races.

Just from viewing the Congresswoman’s messages on Twitter, it is likely that the Democratic representative, like many others in her party, frowns upon school choice. School choice, or the belief that individual student funds should travel with the child regardless of whether they attend public or private schools, has been backed by many lawmakers in the past few years. In fact, the Badger State recently passed a bill in Senate that supports school choice. The bill aims to give parents more control when deciding the best path of education for their children.

Wisconsin State Senator Roger Roth, a Republican, told Fox 11 News that he found the Tweet “shocking”. Furthermore, Roth said, “ I think it’s one of those moments where politicians find themselves saying out loud what they’re thinking on the inside.” Roth implied that Snodgrass’s deleted tweet was a direct response to the package of education bills he helped introduce regarding school choice laws. Within the proposed legislation, Roth hopes to give parents the right to determine their child’s school, religion, medical care, along with addressing gender identity in public schools. It also seeks to give caretakers more access to their child’s curriculum while allowing parents to opt-out of certain lessons. Furthermore, Roth affirmed that the newly proposed bills will reaffirm that parents have a “fundamental right” to educate their children, not “unelected” bureaucrats.

As Democrats like Snodgrass continue to battle their counterparts in congress over education and public school funding, the recently approved school choice bills head to the desk of Governor Tony Evers, also a Democrat. With the expectation that Evers will veto the bill, it will likely head back to the Senate and the House for a possible override.