Attorney General Suggests Drag Queens In Every School?

An attorney general is under fire for making comments where she alleged she would like to put drag queens inside every school in the US.

By Erika Hanson | Published

How To Tell If Your Child Is Attending A Good Public School

attorney general

Somehow, someway, drag queens have become the epicenter of discussions around public education this year. It may sound like a ludicrous thing, but there is a good reason for this. Popular conservative social accounts and news outlets have been exposing kid-friendly events happening across the nation this year that all center around drag queen events. Everyone seems to be getting involved with their own contentious viewpoints, and now a Michigan attorney general is under fire for her recent comments on the matter. 

iHeart radio reported that Dana Nessel, Michigan’s attorney general, gave her two cents into the matter of drag queen events happening inside some schools this year. She is making headlines because of her controversial statement, in which she is quoted saying things like “drag queens make everything better,” and more so because of her sentiment that drag queens should be inside every school across the United States. Her comments, made on June 16th during a civil rights conference are now being used to further drive the political wedge in America. 

Interestingly, it is reported that the attorney general made these comments facetiously to describe the political efforts to divide Americans on gender topics and LGBTQ+ rights. While liberal media outlets are calling her comments a joke, conservative ones like Fox News and The Post Millenial are running with it, alleging that the left wants to force gender ideology on children. Semantics aside, it was pretty bold of the state official to make such a comment, as she should have known it would be twisted along party lines. 

The attorney general’s comments come during a heated time for the country when tensions surrounding LGBTQ+ and drag queen events are being questioned by many that feel they are promoting inappropriate, sexual behavior to children. Much of this is due to the fact that June is National Pride Month, and events are being held across the nation to show support for the queer community. Because of this, lawmakers are using the debate to gain support. A Texas lawmaker suggest making a law that would ban any youth from attending drag queen events. In California, a lawmaker clapped back at him, suggesting the state should mandate a drag queen class for students.

Additionally, pride events in Dallas and Los Angeles stirred the debate further with reports of sexually explicit material that was being exposed to children. In Dallas, a bar hosted a day-time kid-friendly drag event where young children were pictured placing money into drag queens’ lingerie, drawing outrage from parents at the sexual exposure. This, and more have all led to the battle bringing state officials, like the Michigan attorney general, to the front lines of the debate. 

Similarly, LA was host to a pride parade last weekend that further fueled the flames. A video made its rounds depicting a drag queen on a float yelling out to the crowd that they had bandanas and lube. In the now-viral footage, the camera person turns to the crowd, where two young children were shown watching the event. 

More than likely, the attorney general was joking when she stated that drag queens should be stationed inside all school buildings in the nation. But given the current state of affairs, her comments only further fanned the flames. To activists, the movement is a way to end negative stigmas from the community. But for those opposed, the growing rate of sexually explicit events being shared on social media only acts to obstruct the cause.