See A Man In Lingerie Playing With Kids As Part Of Museum Program

An Australian museum is under fire for allowing a man wearing lingerie to play in a Lego pit with small children.

By Erika Hanson | Published

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Australian museum

The world is changing, whether we want it to or not. As the notion of “being yourself” becomes more acceptable in modern society, it brings with it more occurrences of what many consider odd and bizarre behavior. Some embrace it, while others loath it. Madonna may have coined the phrase “express yourself” over two decades ago, but that saying is forcefully felt by those trying to end the stigma around apparel, and what’s appropriate to wear out in public. Because of this, the Australian Museum in Sydney is under fire from parents, as the facility supported the rights of an adult to play in a lego pit with young children, in full lingerie

An adult playing Legos with kid’s in a museum itself is not necessarily controversial, but given the man’s choice of clothing, his actions have ruffled many feathers. Libs of TikTok got a hold of pictures shared by a parent attending a Night at the Museum event from this past April, portraying the man in lingerie at the Australian Museum. The pictures depict him wearing black fishnet stockings complete with garter straps. He seems to be wearing a tiny crop top, and a matching extra-short mini skirt. Because of the way he sits on the ground playing next to other children, it is possible to see his underwear as well. 

A new station for Australia reported that the pictures were taken by a Twitter user with the handle @SydneyRadfem early in May. The woman who attended the Australian museum event with her child expressed her outrage with the museum to 2GB news. According to her accounts, she immediately alerted security of the male and what was going on. She says that security told her there was nothing they could do and advised her to take up any issues with the event organizer. 

The Australian museum defended the man’s rights wholeheartedly. In a statement shared with the news outlet, the museum made note that they are “committed to being a safe place” for everyone, making sure all feel “welcome.” They also pointed out that the male had not broken any laws, despite his controversial get-up. They said that security and protection are a “top priority.”

The spokesperson for the Australian museum went on to point out that the event took place at night, stating that the timing of the pictures being taken happened after 8 pm. Additionally, they made note that children were supervised by their parents. They also say that the complaint from Sydney Radfem was the only one they received that night about the man in lingerie. 

Users on Twitter shared their similar disdain with the Australian Museum for allowing the individual to play in the lego pit in that manner. Many accounts commented on the pictures, pointing to a moral compass as a reason not to allow someone to dress in this manner and play with young children. Some compared the individual to a pedophile, and a freak.

Other users stood up for the individual, claiming that his choice of apparel does not overtly make him a bad person. One user pointed out that the children photographed next to him at the Australian Museum were turned the other way, assumingly undeterred by the man’s apparel. They added that it could have been an adult who likes to cosplay, pointing out that this doesn’t necessarily make him a threat to children. 

Parents enraged at the Australian museum’s downplay of the situation did not make their pleas without any retribution. The museum did make note that going forward, the lego play pit would be designated solely for use by children. However, this doesn’t mean that an individual can not gain admission to the museum based on their choice of clothing.