Republicans Respond To Biden With A Pro-Parent Revolution

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds blasted President Biden with remarks pledging to begin the pro-parent revolution.

By Rick Gonzales | Published

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pro-parent revolution

The pro-parent, pro-family revolution has officially begun and Republican Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds made sure the country was aware. Offering a scathing rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU), Reynolds took on Biden, the Democrats, and any other entity she could zero in on. By choosing Gov. Reynolds to deliver their SOTU response, Republicans made their points perfectly clear as midterm elections sit in the not-too-distant future – they want to keep schools open, they want parents to have school choice, and they want teachers to stop teaching critical race theory.

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For many outside the state of Iowa, Gov. Reynolds is an unknown. Her stepping into the big spotlight after President Biden’s SOTU was most likely the first time many people across the country heard of her. Reynolds delivered, something Republican leaders were confident she could do. Before she got into pro-parent revolution particulars, Reynolds classified Biden’s first year as an uncalled for “That 70’s Show” remake, pointing out the “runaway inflation,” widespread crime, and a “Soviet army” that has gone unchecked.

biden pro-parent revolution

Gov. Reynolds, who has been in office since 2017, leaned into the fight against mask mandates and remote learning, calling it a “pro-parent, pro-family revolution” hoping to sway the swing voters in favor of the GOP before midterms are upon us. “We are tired of politicians who tell parents they should sit down, be silent and let government control their kids’ education and future,” she said via The New York Times. Minority leader Mitch McConnell chose Reynolds for her ability to not, as GOP political strategist Sarah Longwell says, “to say anything insane.”

They based this on Gov. Reynolds’s well-spoken history and that she has been championing parents’ rights and school choice for some time now. She started the pro-parent revolution before it was fashionable. In her response to the SOTU, she condemned mask mandates. She condemned vaccine requirements. She condemned school closures and the damage that remote learning has done to children across the nation. Actions, though, sometimes speak louder than words and it’s been Reynolds’ actions that got her to the big stage.

A college dropout and former alcoholic, Reynolds found politics as her savior. She took it and it took to her. She has never been overbearing in her leadership. And although she considers former President Trump a friend and ally, she knows how to govern. Her pro-parent revolution stance is proof positive.

Although her actions throughout the COVID pandemic rankled the feathers of scientists and medical professionals within her state, as well as Iowa’s Democratic leaders, Reynolds stuck to her guns, something Republicans have long admired. To start, Reynolds not once issued a stay-at-home order. For the most part, she allowed bars and restaurants to remain open. When Iowa hospitals were overflowing, Reynolds held fast on implementing a mask mandate. She even attempted to block those Iowa cities that were trying to implement their own mandates. Most importantly to parents, Reynolds required public schools to open and offer in-person classes amid the pro-parent revolution.

pro-parent revolution

As her pro-parent revolution began in earnest, Reynolds signed a law prohibiting the teaching that Iowa, and the entire United States for that matter, is fundamentally racist. She is now pushing to get bills passed that would require all public schools to be completely transparent by posting their curriculum and reading materials online. She also had a lot to say on the transparency issues within public schools.

“Republicans believe that parents matter,” Reynolds said in her response to the SOTU on pro-parent revolution matters. “They have a right to know and have a say in what their kids are being taught.” When Gov. Reynolds was announced as who would give the response to the SOTU, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in his statement, “Reynolds represents what it means to lead with conviction and true faith in our fellow citizens. She handled COVID by choosing freedom over lockdowns and personal responsibility over mandates—leading to real economic recovery from the pandemic. She kept kids in school and critical race theory out.”

Republicans are high on Reynolds and her leading the pro-parent, pro-family revolution. With Reynolds and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, Republican leaders are looking to move away from an almost circus atmosphere some Republicans have created. The result of Reynolds and Youngkin’s leadership could mean good news for parents in the near future.